Using principles of the SCLS plan, and prioritizing public and staff health and safety, the following outline has been created. Procurement of supplies, training of staff, institution/amendment of policies, installation of partitions, etc. have been considered in this proposal. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the Library Board.
All necessary PPE and sanitary supplies for staff are on site, staff protocol is established by Department Heads, hours of operation (for staff only); 1 O AM - 6 PM weekdays, 1 - 5 PM Saturday (estimated date range for implementation: 7/6 - 7/13):
Containers or carts on hand to accept incoming library materials via walkup service - the Community Room shall be divided into areas (using freestanding dividers) for materials in quarantine. Details regarding walkup service:
- Hours will be Monday through Thursday 1 O AM - 8 PM, Friday 1 O AM -5 PM Summer Hours), and Saturday 1 - 5PM
- Pickup time slots will be assigned as they are open. No slots will be assigned later then one-half hour before closing to allow staff appropriate time to process the returns as necessary and clean all equipment used.
- All staff handling pickup or returned items must wear gloves and masks through each step of the process. Patrons will be required to wear masks.
- Staff from all departments will be utilized to operate the table and work the community room in one-hour increments.
- Any staff handling items for pickup must be wearing gloves and masks during the processes of assembling, checking out and giving the items to the patrons.
- Patrons may place holds one of two ways: phone call to the library or online. If patrons call, a hold will be placed in the computer system.
- Lists will be run several times a day to determine if we can fill our patrons' requests in-house; at present time delivery from other libraries would be very limited as some libraries may still be closed.
- Search for those items will be conducted by appropriate staff.
- A table will be placed at the front of the library either in the atrium or just inside the lobby area, two people will be stationed at the table to assist patrons with pickup of reserved items.
- Staff will clean the items.
- A designated person each shift will call patrons to let them know the items are available, ask for patron barcode number and arrange a pickup day and time. Patrons will be reminded to wear a mask when they pick up their items. A book of pickup timeslots will be kept. SMS text pickup notices have been suspended by SCLS until further notice. Items will be bagged; a slip with patron name and pickup date/time will be attached.
- Most items will be held for 14 days on the holdshelf.
- Each day the staff will check out the items for that day's pickups and place the bags on tables in the lobby in order of pickup, they will also attach a slip asking patrons to return the items in bags.
- When the patron arrives, they will be asked their name and we will hand them their bag of items.
- Any staff handling returns during return, quarantine, cleaning or reshelving processes MUST wear masks and gloves. Patrons must also be wearing masks when returning items.
- \We will ask patrons to return their items in bags. The bags of items will be placed in bins either in the atrium or outside the library. We will have signs on the bins informing patrons that the items will not be checked in from their records until after a 72-hour quarantine and a thorough cleaning.
- All fines will be waived.
- A flyer with quarantine and fine information will be provided to patrons who return items.
- Quarantine of items will be on tables in the Community Room. The tables will be marked with the start and end dates of the quarantine.
- Once quarantine time has ended, the items will be cleaned before leaving the quarantine area.
- Cleaned items will then be checked in and removed from the patrons' record via CHECKIN-0O NOT FULFILL HOLD in Sierra. Again, all fines will be waived (fees for damaged or lost items will not be waived)
- Our items will be reshelved. Items to be returned to other libraries will be placed in the SCLS delivery bins.
Custodial staff practice ongoing cleaning/disinfection of building during and after hours (to CDC standards), staff schedule expanded to include evenings and weekends; 1 O AM - 8 PM weekdays, Noon - 5 PM Saturday. Target timeframe, two to four weeks after Stage One ends
(estimated date range: 7/20 - 8/3)
Public areas modified to ensure social distancing (limit number of chairs at tables, etc.), library cafe and non-essential areas closed, public policies established/posted (social distancing, computer use), Computer Use Policy posted and appropriate staff scheduled for appointments, staff fluent in proper logistics and CDC guidelines, staff hours return to normal (with staggering of staff to minimize staff area density), custodial staff continue ongoing cleaning and disinfecting of building during and after hours to CDC specifications, public schedule modified 1 O AM - 8 PM weekdays / 1 - 5 PM Saturday. Target timeframe, two to four weeks after Stage Two ends
(estimated date range for implementation: 8/17 - 8/31)
Public areas remain modified to ensure social distancing (limit number of chairs at tables, etc.), cafe and non-essential areas remain closed {TBD opening dates), community groups and library programming suspended until further notice (TBD dates), public schedule returns to normal. Target timeframe, two to four weeks after Stage Three ends (estimated date range: 8/31 - 9/14)
Board Adopted 06/30/2020