Conduct on Library Property Policy

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Policy Type
Conduct on Library Property Policy

The Conduct on Library Property Policy provides guidelines for patron behavior that will ensure the safety and  welfare  of  patrons  and staff;  the  protection  and  preservation  of  library  materials;  facilities  and property; the maintenance of a welcoming atmosphere in the Library; and the assurance of equitable access to all individuals. The “Library” and “Library premises” are defined to include the Library building, the  parking  lot,  and  Library  grounds.  While  on  Library  premises,  patrons  shall  engage  in  reading, studying, using Library materials, attending programs, or similar activities consistent with the accepted use of a public library. Any patron not so engaged shall be required to leave the premises.

The following activities are not allowed at the Central Islip Public Library:

  • Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the operation of the Library; or that disturbs staff or other Library visitors. Such conduct includes:
    • Harassing or threatening behavior.
    • Using obscene or abusive language or gestures.
    • Being unreasonably loud, including speaking on a cell phone, as determined by a staff member.
  • Engaging in sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
  • Possessing a knife, gun, or any other weapon.
  •  Smoking, including e-cigarettes, as per New York State Public Health Law; Section 1339-o.
  • Eating and drinking (covered drinks and snacks) are permitted in the lobby area only.
  • Using alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Sleeping in the Library or at the Library’s entrance.
  • Making use of the rest rooms for other than lavatory purposes (including laundering clothes and bathing).
  • Soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing, or the selling any goods or services.
  • Using skates, skateboards, scooters, or similar vehicles; indoors or out.
  • Bringing in an animal, unless it is a qualified service animal as defined by New York State Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
    • A service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
    • The service animal must be restrained with a harness, leash or tether unless such restraint 
      interferes with the animal’s performance of its work or tasks. When a restraint is not used, the 
      service animal must be within the control of the handler through such measures as voice control, 
      signals, or other effective controls.
  • Damaging, defacing, or misusing any Library materials or property. This includes disabling Library equipment, modifying the hardware or software or changing settings on a Library computer, or using a Library computer for a purpose other than that designated by the Library.
  • Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, local or other applicable law or Library policies.

Please also be aware that:


  • The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises.
  • Library security officers and staff may inspect your property when you arrive or depart.
  • You must wear clothing and shoes in the Library and your body odor must not be so offensive that it disturbs others.
  • Some items in the Library cannot be copied because of copyright laws, poor condition, or donor restrictions.
  • The Library is not responsible for children who are left unattended on Library premises; please see the Library’s Unattended Children Policy.
  • Library staff and security officers may ask visitors to display their Library cards or other ID at any time.
  • Large groups (5 or more) that seek to visit the Library must obtain permission before visiting.
  • Photography and recording are not allowed on Library premises without prior permission.
  • Certain reading rooms and other Library spaces possess additional restrictions.
  • Violation of any of the above-cited conditions for Library usage may subject a violator to a request to leave; the loss of Library privileges and/or arrest.

As a condition for the admission onto Library premises, Library patrons and visitors, agree to be subject to these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with the same shall constitute grounds for immediate ejection,  suspension  of  Library  borrowing  privileges  or  the  right to  enter  the  Library  premises  for  a maximum  of  four  years  and  other  action  as  deemed  appropriate  by  the  Director,  including financial remuneration for damages. The Director or his/her designee is empowered to enforce the above rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Trustees.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 9/24

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