Meeting Rooms Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Type


  1. Purpose

The Central Islip Public Library provides meeting space for use by non-commercial, nonprofit organizations and community groups within its chartered service area in the Central Islip Union Free School District, without regard to viewpoints adopted by such organizations and groups.

  1. Regulations

Each applicant requesting use of a meeting room must observe the terms of use set forth herein:

  • Admission fees (not to include an organizations dues payments) may not be charged, nor may a collection or donation be solicited or taken during the meeting; payment may be requested for materials pertinent to the group’s presentation.
  • Products and/or services may not be sold or advertised.
  • No printed materials (other than those utilized within a presentation) may be distributed on Library property.
  • Meetings shall be non-exclusive and shall be open to the public.
  • Meeting rooms are not available for social affairs, commercial or profit-making enterprises. The rooms may not be utilized by political parties or representatives of political parties when the purpose of such is to promote a political agenda or proselytize.
  • Physical activities are prohibited.
  • Applicants requiring audiovisual equipment must provide such equipment.
  • All publicity must cite the name of the applicant sponsoring the meeting. The Library may not be identified as a sponsor. Announcements of the meetings may only cite the Library as a location of the meeting. The Library’s telephone number is not to be provided as a source to obtain more information regarding the non-library sponsored event. Use of the Library’s logo is prohibited.
  • Neither the name nor the address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of the applicant.
  • Youth organizations using meeting rooms must provide at least one person 21 or over, present at all times.
  • If a meeting is cancelled, the Library must be notified as soon as possible regarding such.
  • No meeting or program in the Library may be broadcast or televised or streamed without the Library’s permission.
  • Meetings may not be scheduled during hours the Library is not open to the public. All meetings must end by the time the Library closes. A $65.00 custodial service fee per hour will be charged for meetings that extend beyond closing time.
  • If a hearing-impaired person so requests, the applicant using the meeting room must provide a sign-language interpreter.
  • The Library reserves the prerogative of canceling a meeting should it be determined that it is in the Library’s best interest to do so.
  • The Library reserves the authority to require that the applicant name the Library as an insured on a policy of insurance required as a condition of meeting room utilization.
  • In any event the applicant agrees to hold harmless the Library, its Board of Trustees, agents and employees from liability of any nature related to any loss or damage to property or to personal injury.


  1. Liability
  • The applicant shall bear full responsibility for loss of, or injury or damage to, any property of the Library or attendee of a meeting as may be caused or inflicted by the applicant and/or affiliated persons, guests, or invitees.
  • The applicant is responsible for the proper clean-up of the room. A $65.00 Custodial Service Fee per hour or any fraction thereof will be charged for cleaning other than routine cleaning.
  • The Library is not responsible for the safekeeping of any supplies, equipment, or other items brought by the applicant or by persons attending the meeting. Applicant must provide its/his/her own supplies.


  1. Library Sponsored Programs
  • Library-sponsored programs will be given preference for use of the meeting rooms.
  • The Library reserves the right to revoke its permission for an applicant to use a meeting room should there be a conflict with Library-related services, programs, or activities, or in the case of an emergency.


  1. Reservations
  • Requests for use of the meeting rooms must be submitted by utilizing the Library’s online application located on the Library’s website
  • Applications must be submitted at least 7 days prior to the regularly posted monthly meetings of the Central Islip Library Board. The Board shall have sole responsibility of approving applications.
  • Applications will not be approved not more than three (3) months in advance of the meeting date. There will be a limit of one reservation per month per applicant.


Adopted by the Central Islip Board of Trustees 11/2023

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