Maintenance Of Public Order

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I. Purpose

The following rules, regulations and procedures are enacted by the Board of Trustees for the purpose of maintaining public order in the library facilities and site by all library patrons, visitors and employees, as well as other licensees and invitees, in accordance with Section 262 of the Education Law of the State of New York.

II. Conditional Permission for Use of Library Facilities

As a condition for the use of Library premises, Library patrons, employees, visitors and other licensees and invitees who enter upon or remain at the Library facilities, agree that they shall be subject to these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with the same shall constitute grounds for the immediate ejection as a trespasser, suspension of library borrowing privileges and/or revocation of rights to enter upon library premises.

III. Purpose of Use of Library Facilities

The use of Library facilities and entry onto Library premises shall be limited to employees of the Library in the performance of their duties, and patrons and visitors to the Library facilities and offices for purposes of reading, and selecting, returning and borrowing of Library books and materials, conducting business with the Library, and attendance at educational conferences, meetings, programs and concerts authorized by the Board of Trustees. All persons entering or remaining upon Library premises for any other purpose shall be deemed to be loiterers or trespassers. Any person who, while lawfully at such Library facilities, causes or attempts to cause physical injury to the person or property of another, or willfully causes or attempts to cause physical damage to books and other library materials, or enters into unauthorized areas, refuses to comply with the directives of the Library Director or his/her designee or other authorized personnel, willfully disrupts library functions or programs authorized by Library personnel, damages, alters, mars or defaces library books and related materials, transports illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, fireworks, firearms, switchblade or gravity knives or other weapons onto library premises, without permission of the Library Director, his/her designee or other person in charge, shall be deemed to be a trespasser and in violation of these rules and regulations. 

IV.    Procedures

  1. When the Central Islip Public Library facilities are open, the Library Director or his/her designees, in the first instance, shall be responsible for the enforcement of these rules and regulations. Any violation thereof shall be immediately reported to the Library Director or his/her designee who shall thereupon immediately make inquiry of the facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint, and may thereupon either direct the trespasser to cease and desist the violation or vacate the premises. Upon the refusal of such person to obey the directive of the Library Director or his/her designee, such Library Director or designee is hereby authorized and directed to make a complaint to the Suffolk County Police Department and to sign an information as necessary charging said trespasser with the appropriate violation of the Penal Law. The Library Director shall forthwith make ·a report to the Board of Trustees.
  2. When the Library is not open to the public, or when the Library Director or his/her designees are not present, any Library employee is authorized and directed, upon observing and being informed of any violation of these rules and regulations, to make inquiry of the facts and circumstances surrounding the violation and any such employee may either direct the trespasser to cease and desist the violation or vacate the premises. Upon the refusal of such person to obey the directive of the employee, such employee is hereby authorized and directed to make a complaint to the Suffolk County Police Department and sign any information as necessary charging said violator with the appropriate violation of the Penal Law. Subsequently, such Library employee, at the first opportunity, shall make a written report of the facts and circumstances surrounding the enforcement of these rules and regulations to the Library Director.
  3. The Library shall indemnify and save harmless the Director, his/her designee, or any Library personnel, from any action, claim or proceeding instituted against such person arising out of the enforcement of these rules and regulations by such Library personnel.
  4. In addition to all of the foregoing summary remedies against the trespasser and/or person in violation of law and these rules and regulations, the Library Director may thereafter, in his/her sole discretion, take the following action with respect to the following categories of persons:
  • Library patrons: Residents of the school district registered or qualified for registration as a borrower of library books and materials may have their borrowing privileges suspended for a period not to exceed four years.
  • Library personnel: Employees are subject to the applicable provisions of the Civil Service Law and Education Law and may be disciplined, censored, suspended without pay, or discharged accordingly.
  • Visitors, licensees and invitees: Such persons may be subject to the
    revocation of their licenses to enter upon Library property for a period not to exceed four years. 

V.    Appeal Procedure

  1. Appeals by Library patrons and registered borrowers of library materials relating to suspension of borrowing privileges and revocation of their privileges to enter upon Library premises shall be made to the Board of Trustees. Appeals by Library personnel subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and Education Law may be made to the Board of Trustees. Appeals by visitors, licensees and invitees may be made to the Board of Trustees. 
  2. Each person, not an employee of the Library, shall have the right to submit a written notice of appeal to the Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days of any action of the Library Director suspending borrowing privileges or revoking their license to enter upon Library premises. The Board of Trustees, or their designee, shall convene a hearing within thirty (30) days of submission of such notice of appeal, 'at which time and place the aggrieved shall be afforded the opportunity to present evidence, testify and cross examine witnesses. Within thirty (30)days of such hearing, the Board of Trustees shall render a decision in writing either restoring the aggrieved person's library privileges or confirming the Library Director's actions explaining the reasons for the affirmation of the Director's action.


Board of Trustees 
Approved: 3/2004 
Revised: 9/2005 

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