The mission of the Central Islip Public Library is to provide information, resources and services that meet the educational and recreational needs of the Central Islip community.
The Library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed electronically and cannot be held responsible for its content. Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that thirdparties may be able to obtain information regarding Users' activities. Library staff cannot monitor or control web content that often changes rapidly and unpredictably. The Library makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for the timeliness, accuracy, or usefulness for a particular purpose, of information accessed via the internet.
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to monitor or restrict a minor child’s access to electronic resources.
In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act enacted in 2001, a technology protection measure (filter) that protects against Internet access by both adults and minors to visual depictions that are: (1) obscene; (2) child pornography; or, (3) with respect to use of the computers by minors, harmful to minors is in place on all public computers. An adult may request that an administrator, supervisor, or other person authorized by the Library to disable the filter to allow for bona fide research or “other lawful purpose by an adult.”
Depending on the availability of technology staff, the patron may need to return to the Library at a future time to have the filtering software disabled. The Library provides access to the Internet and electronic resources made available on fixed workstations, Wi-Fi, and mobile devices. Use of these resources will be consistent with the Library’s policies and procedures and with applicable
local, state, federal and international laws. Violations may result in loss of access. Unlawful activities will be responded to with appropriate legal action.
The Internet stations may not be used to harass, disrupt, or embarrass other users, library staff, or the public. Users may not create “web-sites” or “home pages” residing on Library resources.
The Library assumes no responsibility for costs, liabilities, claims, or damages arising from the use of electronic information resources.
Central Islip Public Library cardholders may access the Library’s computers using their own library card barcode. Non-residents may sign in at the service desks for a guest pass or to be logged onto computers in the Youth Services areas. Proper ID with address must be shown.
The Library reserves the right to limit computer usage to Library cardholders in good standing, both Central Islip Public Library patrons and out-of-district patrons.
One person per workstation is mandated. An individual computer session may have a maximum duration of (2) hours. To manage periods of high demand for computers, additional time may be afforded in increments.
Users may not use personal software programs on Library computers or alter Library hardware or software configurations. At its discretion, with advanced notice, the Library may accommodate the temporary use of outside software for test-taking or a similar purpose.
The Library provides printer services, at a posted cost. Library staff, if available, may provide basic assistance for use of electronic resources and equipment. Failure to use any electronic stations appropriately and responsibly may result in the loss of Library privileges.
Public Internet stations are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If a Central Islip Public Library card holder is waiting, an out of district User may be required to vacate a workstation before his/her time is up.
Due to Library scheduling, technically-trained staff may not always be available for specific technology assistance. Help is limited to basic computer functions.
Library Staff is not permitted to input or handle sensitive personal information such as social security numbers, bank information, passwords etc.
Printing/downloading must be completed within the allotted time. User files cannot be saved on Library devices. Users must supply their own storage devices, or use a cloud application for saving files.
The Library extends the privilege of internet access for public informational use only. Users may have no expectation of privacy for any materials residing on the workstation or server.
Users may not access material that would be considered offensive in a public building. The Library staff shall determine what materials are considered “offensive.” Users must be good citizens of the Internet community, abiding by the rules and procedures of the Library as well as all remote systems accessed.
Copyright and licensing agreements are to be respected.
Adopted February 2025