Central Islip Public Library Long Range Plan

Last Updated Date
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Adopted November 28th 2021

The Central Islip Public Library, located at 33 Hawthorne Avenue in Central Islip, New York, is chartered to serve the residents of the Central Islip School District.


The mission of the Central Islip Public Library is to facilitate the educational, cultural and academic needs of the Central Islip Community using a variety of resources including print and other media, lectures and programs. To that purpose, our conviction is everlasting.


  • To provide for the ever changing educational, recreational and informational needs of the community
  • To provide excellent library service for all patrons
  • To create lifelong learners
  • To keep the Library building and grounds in optimum, updated condition
  • To continuously update and maintain the collection both in print and online with current and relevant materials and databases
  • To provide access to current technology
  • To collaborate with the school district, town and local organizations to provide services, information and programs to the residents.




Goal: The Central Islip Public Library will provide for the community’s changing needs by offering quality workshops, classes and services that will foster and support lifelong learning.

Objective: Offer programs with diverse and updated topics and subjects that reflect the community.

Sample activities:

  • Present more programs, performances and workshops centered of topics of interest to a broader range of patrons
  • Increased technology based offerings
  • Provide online program sign up for library programs
  • Continue to develop our Teen Space and Teen programs and activities
  • Partner with local organizations on programs
  • Promote our Books to Home service



Goal: Central Islip Public Library will provide access to current and quality information and resources on diverse subjects

Objective: Furnish up-to-date information and easy access to quality materials both in print and online for all ages.

Sample Activities:

  • Provide current information in print for easy accessibility for all age groups
  • Continue to develop a Teen collection
  • Create a “Welcome Brochure” introducing new residents to the Library’s services
  • Attend local community organization meetings and events to promote library services
  • Promote special databases



Goal: Central Islip Public Library will be up-to-date on current technological trends and provide access to the community.

Objective: Provide the community current technology and provide workshops and training.

Sample Activities:

  • Continue to update technology through the building
  • Offer access to Wi-Fi and technology patrons and students need
  • Continuously train staff on new technologies so they may assist patrons
  • Advertise the Library as the place to go for access to technology
  • Create a Makerspace area for Children, Teens and Adults



Goal: To facilitate continued communication and collaboration with the Central Islip School District faculty to support and enhance students’ learning experiences.

Objective: To maintain a relationship with the schools in the district to provide students with up-to-date, quality materials and resources needed for academic success. Central Islip Public Library will continue to offer a variety of programs and resources to support parents and children with early literacy.

Sample Activities:

  • Collaborate with educators on collection development to reflect and support curriculum
  • Continue to support early literacy for children ages birth to teen and their parents
  • Promote communication with teachers and school librarians about assignments
  • Attend Open School Nights to promote on library services and resources
  • Promote our online homework help programs and highlight our online resources for students and parents
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