Caregivers will learn about the importance of building an Alzheimer’s support network and using respite care. Get resources for coping and how to care for your own physical, mental and spiritual health
Come drop into the Teen Department and celebrate National Librarians Day by drawing a picture/writing a thank you letter to your favorite School or Public librarian. |
Chemistry is the science of mixing things together. Use chemistry to mix different colors and make dough!
Children's Programming
All programs are for Central Islip Library cardholders only. There is a limited amount of spots available in each program. If a program fills, you will be placed on a waitlist for the event. If an available spot opens, you will be contacted and placed on the active program list.
Please be on time for programs. If you are not present by the start of the program, your place in the program is not guaranteed.
If you are unable to attend a program you are registered for, please let us know so we can alert those on the waitlist. Contact the Children's Department at 631-234-9333 x6 to cancel.
Join us for our monthly Communiteens meeting. Complete various activities to earn one hour of community service. |
Join in the fun of the classic game Bingo and a chance to win books.